Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Search Engine Wars : Google & Yahoo
(The Times – Money Online, South Africa)

According to the February 2008 ComScore search report, Google holds 59% of the search market, Yahoo and its affiliated search portals hold 22.6% and Microsoft/ MSN hold up the third position at 9.6% According to Hitwise, based on search volume Google leads at 66% followed by Yahoo at just over 20% and MSN trailing at a little over 5%.

Fine and well that the search engine are vying for users, but have search engines really improved over the past few years? That is an interesting train of thought looking at a report released in January 2008. According to Hitwise, over the past 2 years visitor’s to question and answer websites such as Yahoo Answers, have increased by more than 889%.

If search engines had been that good, clearly people would not be looking through question and answer websites now would they?

Google Answers (Google)

We're sorry, but Google Answers has been retired, and is no longer accepting new questions.

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