Sunday, September 16, 2007

Why Google Web Accelerator Is (Very) Bad For Your Business (Dev Mechanic – Search Engine Tricks)

“Google's production is truly a thing of wonder. They are constantly churning out new tools that are truly fascinating, even useful.They're also very controversial. Google Maps' expansion to include street views of addresses has angered more than one resident. The prospect of people finding out you don't live in that Brownstone you're always talking about isn't a welcome one.

Google's Web Accelerator goes one step further by striking truly home - in your business pocketbook. Basically it boils down to 2 big reasons why it could hurt you, especially if its popularity spreads. You might be saying "Only 2 reasons? That's it. Doesn't sound like a big deal." Maybe, but that's like saying the only 2 things bad about being shot is that you might get hurt or die.

Basically what the Accelerator does is this - when someone searching on Google decides to click on a site's listing, instead of actually going to the site, it shows you the cached version of it from Google's servers. What's wrong with that? Plenty.”

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